Sculpt booty
THE booty workout
Vårt booty program lär dig hitta kontakten med alla sätesmusklerna för att bygga styrka som är både funktionell och smickrande. Dessa booty pass är ett grymt sätt att få in effektiv träning i ett annars fullspäckat schema. Du kan också använda passen för att aktivera sätet före tex ett löppass eller annan träning.
Coach: Johanna Hector and Paulina Friberg Language: English Length: Four weeks Tools: Dumbbells, barbell, miniband Tillgång 6 månader Investering: 398 kr
Programmet innehåller:

Train smarter not harder
Less is more as you’ll notice in our quick 15min workouts. They’ll leave room for more time to rest and recover. You’ll find many WorkIn’s to enjoy inside the club!

It is not about restricting food, it’s about ensuring your body is fueled throughout the day so you feel energized, healthy, and get closer to your goals. You will receive the General SoulFood Guidelines where you’ll find a sample weekly meal plan, how to clean up your daily meals instead of doing a detox or going on a diet, snack recipes, and tips for maximizing your results. This guide is suitable for all diets.

Starting each new week we’ll take a few minutes to set the intention so that you are really clear on what your vision is and plan your workouts, making sure nothing can make you cancel this important meeting with yourself. When you have this vision in your soul, it will inspire you and inspiration is irreversible! This part of the journey is really juicy and nourishing. It will make you glow from the inside out!
“Jag har alltid fått mest träningsvärk i benen när jag försökt träna rumpa. Tack vare de grymma instruktionerna och specifika övningarna känner jag nu de olika musklerna i rumpan jobba. Träningsverken är från en annan planet… men jag är så glad :)”
“These workouts has really improved my running! ”
“Älskar att träna med Johanna och Paulina, både svett och skratt! Tack! ”
THE booty workout
Sculpt and sweat it out with the perfect blend of weight lifting and bodyweight toning. Building a strong foundation is crucial in any workout routine, yoga practice, or life situation for that matter. This program is optimized to sculpt your booty and legs 360°, find your weak spot, and train it to become strong and sculpted. Learn how to target and engage the right muscle groups to build booty and strength. The program consists of 2 gym workouts and 1 bodyweight workout. When you sign up, you will also receive a month-long workout plan, a motivational guide on food and mindset + access to our exclusive SoulWork community online.
This month-long program includes three targeted classes that focus on the source of our power and stability: butt, hamstrings, inner thigh, and quadriceps. Each 30-min class activates the entire booty to address imbalances and help you work toward a stronger, deeper foundation. You’ll leave each workout fatigued, knowing that you pushed yourself to your limits and did your work for the day.
The purpose of this program is of course to sculpt your booty, but it’s also to establish a strong foundation of mental well-being. I’ve found that you learn the most about yourself when you are pushed out of your comfort zone. The program consists of 2 workouts that can be done in any gym and 1 workout that can be done anywhere.
As you progress through this all-levels program, you will build self-love and confidence, and you'll learn to face life's obstacles with positive determination and fierce inner strength!
If you like:
- Short workouts that are perfect for busy schedules
- Workouts that can be done anywhere
- Minimal equipment: Dumbbells, barbell, mini band, and your bodyweight!