Sculpt upper body
Bygg starka och snygga armar, axlar & rygg!
Armhävningar och armbalanser är för dig också! Upper body sculpt är programmet som får dig att bygga både muskler och självförtroende i din takt. Grymt sätt att få in effektiv träning i ett annars fullspäckat schema. Eller lägg till dessa pass till din vanliga träningsrutin för en extra boost!
Coach: Johanna Hector Language: English Length: Four weeks Tools: Flexband.
Tillgång 6 månader Investering: 398 kr
Programmet innehåller:

As you progress through this all-levels program, you will build upper body strength but you will also build confidence and fierce inner strength! Each week you’ll workout 3 x 15 mins. You’ll get 3 workout videos (can be done anywhere and will only need a flex band):
Each workout consists of 4 dynamic exercises and 4 static holds. We finish off with max reps and mobility to milk your power and leave you feeling grounded and restored. All in 15 mins! Each of the three classes is short enough to fit into the busiest schedule and can be easily integrated with your other wellness routines.

Train smarter not harder
Less is more as you’ll notice in our quick 15min workouts. They’ll leave room for more time to rest and recover. You’ll find many WorkIn’s to enjoy inside the club!

It is not about restricting food, it’s about ensuring your body is fueled throughout the day so you feel energized, healthy, and get closer to your goals. You will receive the General SoulFood Guidelines where you’ll find a sample weekly meal plan, how to clean up your daily meals instead of doing a detox or going on a diet, snack recipes, and tips for maximizing your results. This guide is suitable for all diets.

Starting each new week we’ll take a few minutes to set the intention so that you are really clear on what your vision is and plan your workouts, making sure nothing can make you cancel this important meeting with yourself. When you have this vision in your soul, it will inspire you and inspiration is irreversible! This part of the journey is really juicy and nourishing. It will make you glow from the inside out!
“Riktigt roliga och utmanande pass! ”
“Dessa pass har verkligen gett mig ett lyft i hållningen. Axlarna har åkt bak och ner samtidigt som bröstet har fått ett lyft.”
“Älskar dessa pass, korta, effektiva och perfekta att lägga till efter en löprunda. ”
Build long lean muscles & a thrown to your hart
This month-long program is designed to dramatically increase your upper body strength and control. By combining dynamic movements with working static holds, you’ll truly develop a strong, stable, and open upper body.
It has taken me years to gain the strength and awareness I have today. This program is filled with the exercises and techniques that have helped me and that I know will work for you!
You’ll love these classes because not only are they filled with yoga-inspired movements to aid your practice, but it’s also a solid workout plan to build cardiovascular endurance and promote a healthy heart. Every workout you will be inspired to work to your max and take your strength to the next level. The workouts are structured with a highly effective pyramid rep system to give you the best and most challenging workout in the least amount of time. This method encourages you to work harder while having a ton of fun! You will conclude each workout with movements that will help your muscles recover, your mind to recenter, and restore your energy - leaving you ready to take on life!
You are capable of more than you think! The program consists of 3 workouts that can be done anywhere, all you need is a flex band. When you sign up, you will also get a month-long workout planner, a motivational guide on food and mindset + access to our exclusive SoulWork community online.
It’s not about getting big or bulky, rather it’s about developing long, lean muscles with specifically targeted exercises. I’m so proud of this program and I am excited to help you bring your strength and practice to the next level!
If you like:
- Short workouts that are perfect for busy schedules
- Workouts that can be done anywhere
- Minimal equipment: All workouts can be done with only a flex band!