Meet SoulWorker Sofia


Excited to share this power mother of two whom I meet many many years ago. At first, she came across as a bit shy but I saw her passion for life and desire to live a turned on life! She has since kept on evolving and hunting down her desire and for that, I am truly grateful. She does not let excuses stand in the way of her light! The way she makes herself a priority while raising small children and managing her own business is a true inspiration. I wanted to ask her a few questions to see what drives her and why/how does she do it?

I hope that her answers can inspire you! If you know a woman who could get some energy and power from this interview please pass it forward to her!

I give you - Sofia!


Name: Sofia Löfstaf
Age: 28
Occupation: Yoga teacher
Family: Husband and twin-girls 2 years old

  • How did you first get interested in wellbeing?
    Early I think, maybe around age 16. It started with an interest in massage and beauty therapy. And my first contact with yoga was around age 17. 

  • You recently did SoulWork The Best You and then Transformation. How was that and has it changed your ideas of wellness/fitness? Has it impacted any other areas of your life?
    I started The Best You this spring (2018) and then I did Transformation. In 2016 I became a mother of twins and of course, a pregnancy and especially a twin pregnancy affects the body a lot. My twins were born with a cesarean and I also had surgery for an umbilical hernia. The programs gave me back my strength, from the inside and out. It was like coming home to myself after 2 years on the road… I am more myself, and when I am more myself, I am also a better mother, wife, yoga teacher and so on!

  • Can you share with us a bit about your relationship with your own body and the journey of embodying your soul? I see the transformational journey you are on so clearly! 
    For a long time I did not like my face. I thought that maybe if my nose was smaller or my eyes bigger and my hair blonder I would be happy. Today I know that the most beautiful thing there is is the truth! When I am mindful and FEEL, REALLY FEEL what’s going on inside, I can see my own beauty and access my true power! SoulWork Club helped me to prioritize myself and my own wellbeing again. Today I make choices that nourish my soul and my body.

  • What motivates you? 
    My children! Children don’t do as you tell them, they do what you do ☺

  • Can you share with us what happens in a typical Sofia day?
    I get up at 6 am and if the kids aren't up, I meditate for 10-20min. After that, it's breakfast and preparing kids for daycare. The first thing I do after leaving my kids is to do my own practice: it can be a self-lead yoga practice, a SoulWork class, running etc. Then I teach 1-2 yoga classes, eat lunch and finish up with some administration work before I pick up the kids. If I am not teaching yoga classes in the evening I have dinner with the family and then we all play until it’s bedtime.

  • What are your plans for yourself in the next 2-5 years?
    To be good at being myself, have a lot of fun with my family, and continue to work with yoga, as a teacher and educator.

  • Any secret practices for the happiness you embody?
    To be silent for a few minutes everyday. Silent, tune into yourself and just listen to and observe the noise around and inside you.

  • Any favorite wellness tools that are easy enough for us to copy paste into our everyday lives?
    Walk in nature, listen to music and DANCE like nobody is watching ;)

  • Connect with Sofia here:

Instagram @sofialofstaf

Thank you so so much Sofia - you are a bright shining star and a true inspiration! I’m so happy to know you and have you in my life and as a super trooper in SoulWork Club ;)


Johanna, SWC