Why are you failing even though you want it so bad?

Understanding the SoulWork Process
Sometimes when we are close to a climax we shut down. So if you feel hesitant, tired or lack the motivation to continue right now it is a sign that you are about to break through that barrier and on the other side awaits a stronger, more radiant YOU!
From experience, I know that feeling al the feels and restoring yourself can be a roller-coaster ride, and I want you to know that all of your pain and all of your pleasure, all of your fears and all of your greatness is so welcome here.
This Club isn't just a workout or a coaching tool - it’s a total lifestyle transformation.
If you’re doing one of our programs you'll notice powerful emotional shifts, deep healing and the emergence of your authentic self.
Don't stress if you fall behind: you can always pick it up again at any time! And you can do future rounds of the program at no extra cost within your 2-year membership. 
The tools are powerful and they will kick out old negative beliefs and put you back in touch with your life force. Let the process take its course and stick with it. It might take some time to get into the grove, but trust us, you will get where you want to be. 
You will almost certainly encounter resistance. If you are about to have a big breakthrough you can bet that program will be the LAST thing that you want to do.
Stay with it by scheduling it in. You'll get a lot from that.
Emotions might come up: sadness, anger, frustration, fear, hopelessness, BUT ALSO bliss, pleasure, excitement, love, and happiness. Such is the experience of living a turned on life! If you have a strong emotion, it means the energy is working its magic through your body and you’re closing in on your true potential!

It can be scary, it often is, but it is always worth it!
With Love,