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I eat too much, I work too much....

“I eat too much, I work too much, I give too much, and yet there is still this hunger that I cannot feed.”

If you’re like most women, there are a zillion and one people, projects, and obligations competing for your attention. By the end of the day, there’s just not much left over for you. Slowly, with time, your needs, your wants, your self-care, your pleasure get pushed down and crowded out. Maybe at this point you don’t even know what you want or who you are, beyond what you do for othe…

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The Soul in SoulWork Club

Photo: Jonatan Svennered
Most of us swim in a sea of indecision where our “logic” seems at odds with our intuition, and where we struggle to hear our truth. We have been taught to shut down our feelings and instincts, and listen intently to the expectations of others. Yet, the truth is, in order to have a vibrant, rich, and satisfying life, we have to fill ourselves up. And at the end of the day, it’s the best thing you can do for those in your life—because a restored, lit up, turned on YOU …

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