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Meet SoulWorker Lene


I remember the first time I saw Lene, she had a sparkle in her eye but I felt that she was struggling. It was around 6 years ago. I had the pleasure of spending more time with her since that first meeting at YogaGames. Her life story would be famous in a heartbeat if she spent any of her time talking about herself, which she doesn’t. She’s an amazing yoga teacher, mother, and musician whose strength got her through anorexia and cancer and now is creating the life of her dreams in amazing ways. Y…

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Why Goal setting doesn’t work


Perhaps you’re setting goals for 2019? 

90% of us fall short of our goals, why is that? Should we simply just stop having goals? Is that the solution?

Goals can be fun and definitely achievable, but not as long as we work with them in the traditional sense. If it did, everyone who set goals would've achieved them! Real goal setting first starts with your brain and your unconscious mind and if you don’t start there, you’ll fail. 

In SoulWork Club we give you the tools to align yourself from the …

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The Story of Anne


Jag började kommunicera med Anne på instagram, hon ställde trevande frågor kring SoulWork Club i några veckor, eller var det kanske månader. Och en dag gick hon med! Kommer aldrig glömma hur hon gick från tvekan till full dedikation och jag kände direkt, denna kvinna bär på så mycket kraft, liv och lust! Det har varit helt fantastiskt att följa hennes resa genom programmet och den har både fått mina tårar att rulla och hjärta att bubbla. Därför blev jag så glad när hon sa JA till att dela sin vä…

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What is SoulSurfing?


We believe that we are holistic beings and that the body, mind, and soul work together in simple yet advanced ways. So how do we access our intricate nature to uncover patterns, beliefs, and manifestations that might not serve us and instead create conscious ones that do?

It has long been known that journaling is a potent practice. The benefits of journaling are seemingly innumerable. Journaling helps you get clear with your thinking, writing out your thoughts, feelings, and emotions on paper c…

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The hidden power of Relaxation


It is valuable to simply honor our own physicality. So much of the time, as we work on our everyday activities and meet our daily responsibilities, we take no notice of our physical body. Many of the serious ailments and challenges that eventually manifest as major health issues can begin as minor discomforts which we have been taught to ignore, as we "get on with life". Often, ignoring these small messages that the physical body sends us seems necessary in the interests of meeting deadlines or …

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Is forgiveness a gift you give to... Yourself?


We are not born with prejudice. We learn it. It builds up throughout our lives, experiences, and social reinforcement. Consciously or not, we are influenced by everything we see in the media, on the streets, in schools, and in the workplace.

How far could we go if our imagination was without limits? As children we used our imagination regularly — to work out our curiosity, and to entertain ourselves.

As adults we often use our imagination as fuel for anxiety, imagining and worrying about a fut…

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The #1 Healing Tool (Hint, you already got it!)

Often, we know what we “should” do, but we just don’t do it. What’s up with that?
We run negative mental scripts and we are so used to them we barely even notice them telling us things like...
“I’ve tried to change before and failed, so why bother?”
“I want to change, but I’m too busy — I’ll do it later as soon as I ____”
“I’m not strong enough” or “I deserve to feel bad” or “This is just the way I am.”
Well it’s all about MINDSET! And that is something that we work with in…

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Why are you failing even though you want it so bad?

Understanding the SoulWork Process
Sometimes when we are close to a climax we shut down. So if you feel hesitant, tired or lack the motivation to continue right now it is a sign that you are about to break through that barrier and on the other side awaits a stronger, more radiant YOU!
From experience, I know that feeling al the feels and restoring yourself can be a roller-coaster ride, and I want you to know that all of your pain and all of your pleasure, all of your fears and all of you…

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Food WTF?!


We understand and know from experience that not everyone may start out with an uncomplicated relationship with food. More often than not we use food as gratification or punishment, it’s almost like food is using us and we're its slave. I mean we gotta eat, right? If we eat too little we’ll lack the energy and if we eat too much it’s the same result. Ever heard of the term ”emotional eating”? Emotional eating is when you are restless (insert any uncomfortable emotion) and you eat an entire bag of…

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Train Smarter, Not Harder part 1

Juni 2018
We believe that happiness, power, and grace are an inside job. That’s why we choose to work with the three elements of training, food, and soul. To create a lasting transformation we use all three elements to bring out the most radiant, sharp, strong and empowered YOU! 
Let’s have a look a closer look at the training part, and what we really mean when we say ”Train Smarter, Not Harder”.
First, we have to unlearn what we’ve been taught. Unlearn some of the damaging messages we got about o…

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